(303) 887-6764 (in Colorado) robmcwilliams@mac.com

How many of you actually have room to stretch on the floor, and also stand up with your arms stretched up over your head? A minimum of space is required to do Yoga and other somatic disciplines. That doesn’t exist where I am staying in Oklahoma City, for example, where I have a Rolfing practice when I am not in Boulder, Colorado, my home. A fairly low ceiling fan blocks the overhead stretch, for me, and I’m not that tall (5’10+). If you want to commit to feeling better in your body, you need to make space for that! A minimum of say 7’X7′ of empty floor space, and clear over your head . Perhaps some people just don’t include taking care of themselves that way in their interior design concept. I don’t know. Try it..you’ll like it!